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During the past decades Tunisian decision-makers have adopted several technological innovations aiming to modernize a very fragile agricultural sector in order to increase its competitiveness towards the global market. All these innovations have been tested in the framework of several research and development projects in most of the Tunisian regions, some are, these days, considered by the scientific community as success stories, and some other as failures. This paper presents the story of five innovations through the eyes of the various officials who contributed to the implementation of these technologies. Various studies have been conducted in Agricultural techniques innovation and policy making aiming at both examinations of the farmers’ acceptance of the techniques and their adoption in terms of both success and failure basics. However, there has been little focus targeting the detailed “follow-up” of the introduced techniques by the government to understand the reasons of success and failures. Its aim is also to both explore and fully understand the AI initiations and answering different questions concerning the commitment of the Tunisian policymakers in Agriculture.

Published as FARA Research Report Vol. 4 No. 11