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Ghana’s agenda for shared growth and development considers accelerated modernisation of agriculture and sustainable natural resource management as one of seven key thematic areas (GoG, 2014). Productivity improvement is highlighted, and application of science and technology is an important objective in promoting crops, livestock and fisheries. Innovations in terms of new perceived methodologies, techniques, methods, processes or products have been recognised as important step in the agricultural development agenda. The importance of institutional coordination in the promotion of innovation has not been ignored; “…to strengthen the intra‐sectoral and inter‐ministerial coordination through the platform for joint planning and review; the development and implementation of a communication strategy to improve institutional coordination; as well as create and strengthen the framework for coordinating activities among the range of diverse stakeholders in the sector” (GoG, 2007). What is not yet well understood is the effectiveness of including different personnel from a wide range of institutions related to agricultural innovation development and dissemination. The issues of who policy makers are, the contribution they bring on board and how they maintain their status in the agricultural innovation process are the concern being addressed.

Published as FARA Research Report Vol. 4 No. 12