PARI and the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) jointly hosted a virtual seminar on sustainable agricultural growth, food & nutrition security and rural development in Africa. The seminar offered an opportunity for Master and PhD students from Africa who participate in the AERC and ZEF postgraduate programmes to present and discuss their research findings and broaden their network of students working on related topics.
Presentations by students:
Theme 1: Bieoeconomy, Agro-forestry & Livestock (Doctoral students)
An analysis and mixed modeling of pastoral farmers’ behaviors in forest restoration: The case of Mau Forest in Narok County, Kenya
Joram Ngugi Kamau, Egerton University, Kenya
The Global Bioeconomic Growth: Trends, Patterns and Determinants
Evelyn Ewere, ZEF, University of Bonn
Theme 2: Gender and Youth Opportunities (Doctoral students)
Choice of Livelihood Opportunities among Rural Youth in Rwanda
Angelique Kangondo, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Female Labor Force Participation in Pakistan
Hina Amber, ZEF, University of Bonn
Theme 3: Agri-food value chain development (Doctoral students)
Do adopters of agricultural technologies benefit from adoption? Empirical evidence from Ghana
Shaibu Mellon, ZEF, University of Bonn
Exploring the Potential of Macadamia Nuts for Agri. Growth and Economic Development in Zimbabwe through Value Chain Analysis
Charity Mumaniki, University of Zimbabwe
Theme 4: Inputs, value chains and Institutions (MSc. students)
Impact of Small-Scale Irrigation on Household Food Security: The Case of Walmara District, Finfinnee Surrounding Oromia Special Zone, Ethiopia
Gadisa Muleta, Haramaya University
Trade Performance of Tanzanian
Paul Abel, Sokoine University
PARI and AERC have been collaborating since 2018 to strengthen research capacities in the field of agricultural and development economics in Africa. PARI primarily provides support to students and members of the faculty through AERC’s three delivery mechanisms, namely faculty research, Master’s thesis research and PhD thesis research grants in several universities across Africa. To date, ZEF-AERC collaboration has provided 15 MSc thesis grants, 5 PhD thesis grants and 11 Faculty research grants on various thematic areas related to the broad PARI themes.