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The last two decades have witnessed youth population growth in Ghana and sub-Sahara Africa at large. Several factors have been attributed to this phenomenon. Some of which are improved health care systems, education and general population growth. The increasing youth population, though, offers opportunities for economic development by supplying labour for work, it also poses a challenge to the national government as the youth do not have access to employment opportunities to earn a decent living. The rising youth population with its associated unemployment is attributed to the growing instability in parts of the world, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. To avert similar trajectory in Ghana, the state has been implementing major youth development programmes in recent years. The current study reviewed and examined some of the major interventions implemented by the Government of Ghana to curb youth unemployment and/or under employment since 2000 and opportunities for employment creation in rural areas.

Published as FARA Research Report Volume 5 No: 5 (2020).