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The purpose of this AERC-PARI seminar was to highlight some of the research findings and review work in progress from the AERC network of faculty supported by PARI, encompassing various themes including youth opportunities in rural areas, innovations in livestock value chains and input use, among others.

Presentations by students and faculty researchers:

Fertilizer Subsidies, Choice of Gender Indicator, and Gender Differences in Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Cameroon
Ousmanou Njikam, University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon

Analysis of Marketing Efficiency along the Poultry Feed Value chain in Kenya
Rose Nyikal, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Sectorial public investment, employment generation opportunities and households’ welfare in Togo: a computable general equilibrium analysis
Essossinam Ali, University of Ghana

Determinants of Youth Unemployment: Evidence from Eswatini
Joshua Ajetomobi, Ogunniyi Laudia & Sotja Dlamini, University of Eswatini

Non-farm income opportunities and livelihoods in rural Zimbabwe: A gendered perspective
Albert Makochekanwa & Laurine Chikoko, University of Zimbabwe

Established in 1988, African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) is a premier capacity building institution in the advancement of research and graduate training that inform economic policies in Africa. The principal mission is to strengthen local individual and institutional capacity to conduct independent, rigorous inquiry into problems pertinent to the management of Sub-Saharan African economies through synergistic programmes combining economic research with postgraduate training in economics, and agricultural and applied economics.