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“Grow Digital: Leveraging digital transformation to drive sustainable food systems in Africa” was the theme of AGRF 2019 which took place in Accra, Ghana, from 3-6 September 2019. PARI researchers used this opportunity to present their research on digitalization to key African policy stakeholders.

High-level panel at AGRF 2019

At a side-event organised by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and CTA, PARI coordinator Dr. Heike Baumüller from ZEF gave a moonshot pitch outlining her vision for digitalization in African agriculture by 2030.

At a side-event organised by PARI on “Creating an enabling environment for digitalization to transform African Agriculture”, researchers from the Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO), the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of Ghana (CSIR-STEPRI) and the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN) presented experiences from their respective countries on the factors that have driven or hindered the application of digital solutions in agriculture. Their presentations, including a cross-country analysis, can be found here.

From left to right: Sandra Abrokwa Owusu-Kyerematen, Ousmane Badiane, Yemi Akinbamijo, Hon. Gerardine Mukeshimana

The presentations were followed by a high-level panel chaired by Dr. Ousmane Badiane, Afrika Director of IFPRI. The panel included:

  • Hon. Dr. Gerardine Mukeshimana, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda
  • Sandra Abrokwa Owusu-Kyerematen, Country Director, Viamo, Ghana
  • Yemi Akinbamijo, Executive Director, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
  • Benjamin Gyan-Kesse, Program Manager, Kosmos Innovation Center (KIC) Ghana
PARI team at AGRF 2019