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The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) organized a 2-day High-Level Planning Workshop on Scaling Agricultural Innovations in Africa on 23-24 February 2015, in Nairobi, Kenya, to kick start the implementation of the Program for Accompanying Research for Agricultural Innovation (PARI). The Program is implemented as part of the “One World No Hunger” Initiative of the German Government whose overall goals are to contribute to the eradication of hunger and meeting the future food security of a growing global population.

from left to right: Stefan Schmitz (BMZ), Yemi Akinbamijo (FARA) and Joachim von Braun (ZEF)
from left to right: Stefan Schmitz (BMZ), Yemi Akinbamijo (FARA) and Joachim von Braun (ZEF)

FARA coordinates and advocates for agricultural research for development in Africa. It serves as the technical arm of the Africa Union Commission on matters concerning agriculture science, technology and innovation. A little over a decade ago, FARA embarked on the development of the Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) – a multi-stake holder innovation-based approach that involves several partners, and whose goal is to promote and ensure the rapid and effective use of agricultural research outputs and their transformation into socio-economic outcomes, benefits and impacts.