HYBRID side-event to the 8th Africa Agribusiness and Science Week
The need to create income opportunities for Africa’s large and growing youth population will be one of the continent’s key development challenges of this century. The food and agriculture sector can make a significant contribution to help address this challenge. While much of the policy focus has been on youth employment at the farm level, the agro-processing sector may in fact provide more promising opportunities for job creation. These opportunities remain largely untapped in Africa, however.
To turn the agrifood sector’s potential into reality, supportive policies and targeted investments will be needed to promote job creation in the sector and enable young agripreneurs to thrive. This side-event discussed concrete proposals on how to grow and shape the agrifood sector so that it can become an engine of job and income growth for Africa’s youth.
Moderator: Felister Makini, Deputy Director-General, Keny Agriculture and Livestock Research Institute (KALRO)
Opening Thoughts by Yemi Akinbamijo, Executive Director of FARA
Research Insights
Oluwole Fatunbi (FARA) on strengthening agripreneurs
Heike Baumüller (ZEF) on job opportunities in agroprocessing
High-level Panel Discussion
facilitated by Prof. Chris Igodan, Ohiho State University
- Antony Chapoto (Research Direcor, IAPRI)
- Nomathemba Mhlanga (Agribusiness Officer, FAO)
- Siphesiihle Qange (Project Manager, Seriti Institute)
- Amanda Namayi (GoGettaz Lead, AGRA)
- Kofi Acquaye (Youth representative YPARD Africa)
Wrap Up by Oluwole Fatunbi (FARA)