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On December 3, 2018, around 200 people attended the Youth Townhall Meeting with entrepreneur Strive Masiyiwa at Humboldt University in Berlin to discuss  Africa’s future. In attendance were members of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) board as well as the Stefan Schmidt of the German BMZ and as well as researchers from ZEF in Bonn. Among the attendees were approximately 50 current students who traveled together from from ZEF and the University of Bonn – originally from African countries such as Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania.

Read more about the Townhall event in ZEF News.

Watch the recorded livestream on Strive Masiyiwa’s Facebook page.

Read the coverage on Twitter (#StriveInBerlin).

Strive Masiyiwa (Photo: AGRA)
(Photo: AGRA)
AGRA Youth Townhall with Strive Masiyiwa (C) 2018 Frank Schultze / Agentur ZS