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Bonn / Niamey. January 19, 2021.

Land, climate, energy, agriculture and development in the Sahel

In-depth national studies on land, climate, energy, agriculture and development in the 11 Sahel countries show how manifold potentials of the region could be better harnessed.

At an online event on January 19, 2021, researchers from national research institutes and universities in the Sahel region and Germany, namely the Agrhymet Regional Centre of the Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) in Niger and the Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn (ZEF) in Germany launched a series of national cases studies*) and a regional synthesis report on rural development, agricultural livelihoods and job creation in the Sahel region. The national case studies and the regional synthesis paper provide up-to-date knowledge and critical insights on the nexus of land degradation, climate change and energy in the Sahel. They also identify policy entry points and investment opportunities that will help advance economic growth, food security, and job creation in the region.

Joachim von Braun, Director of ZEF and Chair of the Scientific Group for the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 emphasized that “the region has tremendous African trade and development potentials. We see a promising trend of actions for land restoration and sustainable land management being carried out in the Sahel and that must be accelerated. Thereby climate risks can be addressed more and jobs for youth expanded”.

Download the studies:

Mirzabaev A. et al. 2021. Land, Climate, Energy, Agriculture and Development in the Sahel. Synthesis paper of case studies under the Sudano-Sahelian Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security. (ZEF Working Paper 204)

Osman, A. K. and A.M. Ali. 2021. Sudan – Land, climate, energy, agriculture and development. A study in the Sudano-Sahel Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security. (ZEF Working Paper 203)

Faye, A., Dièye, M., Diakhaté, P.B., Bèye, A., Sall, M. and M. Diop. 2021. Senegal – Land, climate, energy, agriculture and development. A study in the Sudano-Sahel Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security. (ZEF Working Paper 202)

Olayide, O.E. 2021. Nigeria – Land, climate, energy, agriculture and development. A study in the Sudano-Sahel Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security. (ZEF Working Paper 201)

Adamou, R., Ibrahim, B., Bonkaney, A.L., Seyni, A.A., Idrissa, M. and N. Bellos. 2021. Niger – Land, climate, energy, agriculture and development. A study in the Sudano-Sahel Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security. (ZEF Working Paper 200)

Coulibaly, O. 2021. Mali – Land, climate, energy, agriculture and development. A study in the Sudano-Sahel Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security. (ZEF Working Paper 199)

Admassie, A. and D. Abebaw. 2021. Ethiopia – Land, climate, energy, agriculture and development. A study in the Sudano-Sahel Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security. (ZEF Working Paper 198)

Sylla, M.B., Dimobe, K. and S. Sanfo. 2021. Burkina Faso – Land, climate, energy, agriculture and development. A study in the Sudano-Sahel Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security. (ZEF Working Paper 197)