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• Most firms in the South African food and beverage manufacturing sector were still operating in May, but often at reduced capacity.
• The number of temporary or permanent closures is likely to be higher than reported here, in particular in the beverage sub-sector due to the ban on the sale of alcohol.
• A sizeable share of firms had to pay higher prices for raw materials, in particular smaller companies.
• Most firms adjusted their production patterns in response to the lockdown situation by reducing and/or increasing production volumes of some product, especially in the meat, dairy and beverage sub-sectors.
• Companies for the most part held on to their employees, but at times had to reduce salaries. Most increased shifts to ensure social distancing.
• Two thirds of companies were impacted by foreign governments’ measures, in particular through delays and additional requirements at the border.
• To reduce the economic impact of Covid-19 containment measures, companies called for a re-opening of the economy, financial support and assistance in the area of health and safety.