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The Conference on Climate Change and Food Security in West Africa was an avenue for junior researchers at the Graduate School on Climate Change Economics under the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) Program to present cross-cutting research on climate change and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Over 250 full research papers were submitted to the conference and below are a selected few that were presented during the conference.

As an outcome of the conference, find here the published report about Climate Change and Food Security in West Africa, released in November 2021.

Climate Change and Land Use

Adaptation autonome aux changements climatiques et sécurité alimentaire en zone soudano-sahélienne au Cameroun.

Nelson Sergio Tagung Tene, André Dumas Tsambou, Djiogap Fouopi

Spatial diffusion of agricultural production in WAEMU Does climate change play a role?

Elom Kpomblekou and Akoété Ega Agbodji

Extreme Weather Events and Food Security

Variabilité Pluviométrique et Insécurité Alimentaire au Sénégal: Le Cas De La Haute Casamance.

Issa Mballo and Oumar Sy

Rainfall shocks effects on children malnutrition in Senegal

Ahmadou Ly

Impact of the Seasonal Climate Forecasts on Farm Household Income in Rural Senegal.

Thierno Malick Diallo and Malick Ndiaye

Cooperation and Adaptation to Natural Risk Evidence from Ghana.

Ebo Botchway & Antonio Filippin  

Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Livelihoods (Session 1)

Climate change, agricultural output, household income and policies in Senegal.

Khady Yama Sarr

Impacts des changements climatiques sur la chaîne de valeur bovine au Sénégal : Quels investissements pour quelles stratégies de résilience?

Waoundé Diop et Assane Beye

Effect of Global Climate Change on Poverty and Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Issoufou Soumaïla Mouleye, Adama Diaw, Ahmadou Aly Mbaye, Akoété Damien Agbodji and Aklesso Y. G. Egbendewe  

Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Livelihoods (Session 2)

Factors Influencing Households’ Food Security Status among Rural Farmers in the Central River Region South of The Gambia.

Mamma Sawaneh and Momodou Badjie

Household vulnerability to food insecurity due to climate change in Niger: a multinomial logistic regression of food insecurity categories on climate and socioeconomic factors.

Elhadji Iro Illa

CO2 emission and Economic growth in sub-Sahara countries: Is there a Kuznets curve?

Owodon Afo-Loko  

Adaptation to Climate Change

Adhésion au groupe et adoption de stratégies d’adaptation aux changements climatiques: cas des producteurs de céréales sèches dans le bassin arachidier du Sénégal.

Pape Bilal Diakhaté, Birahim Bouna Niang, Mbaye Diop, Malick Sané

Impacts of Adaptation to Climate Change on farmers’ income in the Savana Region of Togo.

Pilo Mikémina, Nicolas Gerber, and Tobias Wünscher

Analyse de la performance d’une filière d’exportation et impact dans l’atténuation des effets des changements climatiques : Cas de l’anacarde au Sénégal.

Ibra Sounkarou Ndiaye  

Risks and Insurance

Multi-Crop Supply Response in a Risky Production Environment: Evidence from the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of Nigeria.

Isah Maikudi Yusuf

Explaining farmers’ willingness-to-insure farms and resilience to climate change in Ghana.

William Adzawla, Nicaise J. Aman, Moussa Diallo

Is Weather Index Insurance Sufficient for Smallholder Protection Emerging Insights from Rainfall-Index Calibration of Maize Crop Losses in Central-West Nigeria.

David O. Awolala, Aly A. Mbaye, and Joachim von Braun

The Bouaflé Protected Forest conservation, in Côte d’Ivoire : Estimating the Total Economic Value.

Kouamé Bossombra  

Climate Smart Agriculture

What Drives the Adoption of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices? Evidence from Maize Farmers in Northern Nigeria.

Funminiyi Peter Oyawole, Adewale Oladapo Dipeolu, Adebayo Musediku Shittu, Abiodun Elijah Obayelu and Thomas Oladeji Fabunmi

Factors influencing the adoption of climate smart agriculture by farmers in Ségou region in Mali.

Moussa Diallo, Nicaise J. Aman, and William Adzawla  

Climate Change and Crop Yields

Impact of Climate Change on Cereal Yield and Production in the Sahel: Case of Burkina Faso.

Charlemagne B. Igue and Sheïtan Sossou

Impact of climate-smart innovations on food security of farming household in Benin: A case-study of Drought tolerant maize (DTM) varieties.

Tchègoun Michel Atchikpa, Chérif Sidy Kane, Justice A. Tambo, Tahirou Abdoulaye, and Jacob Afouda Yabi  

Migration and Conflicts

Socio-Economic and Environmental Triggers of Agricultural Actors’ Conflict and Building Peace in Niger. Mamane Bello G. Hima, Ahmadou Aly Mbaye, and Ega A. Agbodji

French Language Session

Dégradation des rizières par salinisation à l’heure du changement

Dramane Cissokho, Jean Philippe Coly, and Ibrahima Diombaty

The conference was also an opportunity for junior researchers to exchange with senior researchers and experts to get detailed feedback on their ongoing research. These were the conclusions of the Conference on Climate Change and Food Security in West Africa co-organized by Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD) and Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, on 17-18 November 2019 in Dakar, Senegal. The press release can be found here.