2021C.A. Bateki, T. Daum, A. Salvatierra-Rojas, J. Müller, R. Birner, U. Dickhoefer
This study assesses the potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications to close milk yield gaps among small- and medium scale dairy cattle farmers in Africa.
This policy brief offers insights on how digital agricultural platform companies in Africa are coping with strategic challenges related to their business models.
This review synthesises broad recent literature on why insurance take-up has remained low and what strategies might be employed to spur its take-up among farmers and pastoralists in Sub-Saharan Africa.
2020C. Bateki, S. van Dijk, A. Wilkes, U. Dickhoefer, R. White
This study identifies on-farm dairy management strategies employed by East African smallholders and summarizes existing literature to quantify the expected milk yield changes.
2020H. Baumüller, J. von Braun, A. Admassie, O. Badiane, E. Baraké, J. Börner, I. Bozic, B. Chichaibelu, J. Collins, T. Daum, T. Gatiso, N. Gerber, T. Getahun, K. Glatzel, S. Hendriks, O. Kirui, L. Kornher, Z. Kubik, E. Lüdeling, A. Mirzabaev, P.G. Ndiaye, T. Sakketa, M. Shah, G. Tadesse, J. Walakira
This study aims to identify how Africa may transform its potentials into realities and actually secure its supply of food for affordable and healthy diets from the sustainable use of resources.
This paper presents a fact check on nine propositions regarding mechanization. Which ones are true? Which ones are false? To answer these questions, the study uses most of the recent literature on mechanization, thereby also providing a review of the current literature on agricultural mechanization in Africa.
The objectives of this report are first to describe the patterns and changing structures of the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) livestock sector and secondly to explore innovations that can help to address the complex trade-offs involved in investing in the development of a sustainable livestock sector.
This paper looks at historical ties between India and Africa. It identifies trade and investment patterns in recent decadesand describes the collaborations between India and several African countries in the field of agriculture.
2020S. Gondwe, S. Kasiya, F. Maulidi, G.T. Munthali,
The study aims to identify four representative initiatives implemented between 2008 and 2018, and assess how they have contributed to youth employment in Malawi.