On 11 January 2025, the member states of the African Union adopted the Kampala CAADP Declaration that charts the way for building resilient and sustainable agrifood systems in Africa as a follow-up to the 2014 Malabo Declaration adopted. PARI research and the PARI network of around 30 national, regional and international research partners based in 15 African countries, Germany and India can be helpful to inform the implementation of the new CAADP agenda. Over 300 studies were jointly published by PARI and partners over the past decade, exploring different dimensions of food system innovations.
This event will reflect on key learnings of the collaborative research effort in PARI and share lessons for the implementation of the Kampala CAADP Declaration 2025-2035 to transform food systems in Africa to promote affordable and equitable access to healthy foods. The discussions will draw on a comprehensive report that summarizes the entire body of research generated in PARI by theme and research countries which will be launched at the event.
Welcome remarks
- Aggrey Agumya, Director-General, FARA
- Ousmane Badiane, Executive Chairperson, AKADEMIYA2063
- Joachim von Braun, Distinguished Professor, ZEF
Statement from Felicitas Röhrig, BMZ
Highlights and key findings from a decade of PARI research
Heike Baumüller, ZEF, and Oluwole Fatunbi, FARA
Lessons for policy-oriented, partnership-based research initiatives
Assefa Admassie, University of Addis Ababa, and Felix Asante, University of Ghana
Short reflections by PARI partners on selected research topics
- Patrice Adegbola, Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin (INRAB), Benin
- Rosemary Isoto, Makerere University, Uganda
- Regina Birner and Thomas Daum, University of Hohenheim, Germany
- Alpha Kergna, Institut d’Economie Rurale (IER), Mali
- Felister Makini, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Kenya
Closing remarks and Outlook by Aggrey Agumya, Ousmane Badiane and Matin Qaim