Database on the costs and benefits of agroforestry in Africa
This dataset captures the economic value of ecosystem services generated by agroforestry systems in Africa.
PARI research focuses on identifying and scaling promising agricultural innovations for agricultural growth and food security in Africa and India.
This dataset captures the economic value of ecosystem services generated by agroforestry systems in Africa.
This report summarizes key findings from 10 years of PARI research to inform policy and investment decisions to address food insecurity in Africa, India and beyond.
This study presents the socio-demographic background of youth agriprepreneurs and their businesses in Benin, Ethiopia and Senegal.
This article evaluates empirical evidence on the effect of agroecological practices on land and labour productivity in Africa.
This paper presents a systematic review of the literature on four neglected species, which could contribute to meeting increasing demand for animal protein in Sub-Saharan Africa: grasscutter, guinea fowl, guinea pig, and rabbit.
This study identifies development strategies to improve access to good-quality feed in Ethiopia.
This study proposes a new approach that complements existing farm level classifications with a classification of livestock management practices at herd level.
This paper studies the gender gap in monetary and non-monetary compensation as well as work-related wellbeing in the Ethiopian agro-processing and leather sectors.
This study investigates the links between firm productivity and monetary and non-monetary dimensions of job quality in Ethiopia.
This study assesses opportunities and challenges for bio-based start-ups in East Africa.
This policy brief presents the distribution of men’s and women’s time use between paid work, unpaid work and leisure and shows how technologies and infrastructure that can reduce unpaid work.
This study investigates the dynamics of time allocation within Ethiopian rural households.