Harvesting Solar Power in India
This paper delves into the feasibility of simultaneously making progress towards India's targets of significantly scaling solar power capacities and doubling farmers' incomes.
PARI research focuses on identifying and scaling promising agricultural innovations for agricultural growth and food security in Africa and India.
This paper delves into the feasibility of simultaneously making progress towards India's targets of significantly scaling solar power capacities and doubling farmers' incomes.
The studies provide an overview of the status of agricultural innovations, innovation platforms and innovation investment in 12 African countries.
Series of policy briefs prepared by the Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin (INRAB).
The report presents the results of three systematic reviews: one on the use of biophysical modelling, the second and third on the use of bio-economic modelling at farm scale and agro-economic modelling at higher aggregation levels.
This policy brief presents insights on the implementation of farmer innovations contests in Ghana.
This report presents rural typologies of micro-regions for 12 African countries with Green Innovation Centres to identify micro-regional level opportunities, bottlenecks and investment gaps for agricultural development
The PARI annual report 2015 presents the highlights of PARI research conducted in 2015.
In this study, 15 wheat growth models were improved and simulation results were then evaluated with independent field experiments.
The policy brief reviews the evolving context of agriculture and food security in Africa, synthesises related policies, strategies and collaborations of African countries, and identifies innovation initiatives to tap potentials in Africa.
This study reviews the evolving context of agriculture and food security in Africa, synthesises related policies, strategies and collaborations of African countries, and identifies innovation initiatives to tap potentials in Africa.
This study focuses on measures at the strategic level, which as part of the special initiative “One World, No Hunger” tap the potentials of improvements in food security and sustainable agricultural growth.
The dossiers provide background information on the innovation environment, most relevant value chains and related innovations, and collaboration opportunities for 12 African countries with Green Innovation Centres.