PARI Annual Report 2021
The PARI annual report 2021 presents the highlights of PARI research conducted in 2021.
PARI research focuses on identifying and scaling promising agricultural innovations for agricultural growth and food security in Africa and India.
The PARI annual report 2021 presents the highlights of PARI research conducted in 2021.
Agricultural mechanization, digital agriculture, and rural youth engagement are three megatrends occupying policymakers focused on agricultural transformation across Africa. Each of these topics is associated with debates on opportunities and risks and appropriate policy actions.
This study assesses African countries’ performance in the development of their aquaculture sectors with regard to the role of the sector as a source of food supply, absolute and per capita production volumes and values (including changes over time), and the economic importance of the sector.
Societal discussions and policy action are needed to harness the potential of robots to serve people and the planet.
This policy brief assesses how African countries and Indian states have transformed their food and agriculture sectors to inform future strategic directions in food system strategies.
This study assesses the potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications to close milk yield gaps among small- and medium scale dairy cattle farmers in Africa.
This publication contains a compendium of papers presented at the conference on climate change and food security in West Africa.
Using Hello Tractor (Nigeria) and EM3 Agri-Services (India) as examples, this paper assesses the viability of ICT applications that aim to help smallholder farmers access tractors.
This study assesses the impact of Covid-19 containment measures on sales and emploment in the African agroprocessing sector.
This policy brief offers insights on how digital agricultural platform companies in Africa are coping with strategic challenges related to their business models.
This policy brief discusses how Covid-19 containment measures have affected the performance of the food and beverage manufacturing industry in Africa.
This review synthesises broad recent literature on why insurance take-up has remained low and what strategies might be employed to spur its take-up among farmers and pastoralists in Sub-Saharan Africa.