Of Bulls and Bulbs – Aspirations and Perceptions of Rural Youth in Zambia
This paper aims at contributing to a deeper understanding of the aspirations and perceptions of young people in developing countries, particular in rural Africa
PARI research focuses on identifying and scaling promising agricultural innovations for agricultural growth and food security in Africa and India.
This paper aims at contributing to a deeper understanding of the aspirations and perceptions of young people in developing countries, particular in rural Africa
This Policy Brief proposes an agenda for supporting sustainable development of seed systems in Africa.
This paper examines the state, drivers and, consequently, the impacts of agricultural mechanization in eleven countries in Africa.
This paper presents a case study of a private-sector led smallholder mechanization initiative in Zambia.
This policy brief presents some answers based on a comprehensive study on the knowledge and skill requirements for machinery owners and operators in Zambia
This study discusses the development of a picture-based smartphone app called Time-Tracker that allows data recording in real time to avoid recall biases.
Across the developing world, the spread of mobile- and smartphones has led to a surge in mobile services for rural populations. While the potentials of mobile services to provide development…
This policy brief discusses opportunities and challenges for scaling digital technologies in African agriculture.
Alternative Pathways towards Food Security.
This paper discusses the key components of the technical and institutional innovations developed to address this food and nutrition security concern in Zambia using locally bred varieties registered with the Seed Control and Certification Institute (SCCI).
This study looks in to pattern of agricultural mechanization along the entire value chain (production, post-harvest, processing, transport and storage) and compares it with the annual average agricultural output over the same time period.
This study identifies key factors that might spur increased adoption, including education, secure land rights, and access to institutional support services in CA.