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PARI Policy Brief No. 38: Technologies and infrastructure to reduce the work burden of women (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 37: Can the agroprocessing sector create jobs in Africa? (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 36: How to reduce the impact of mothers’ time demands on children’s diets (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 35: How to engage smallholder producers in scaling the dairy and poultry sectors (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 34: Farming for Fish: Success factors for expanding Africa’s aquaculture sector (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 33: Mechanization and automation in Africa’s agroprocessing sector: Implications for employment and skill needs (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 32: Building digital bridges in African value chains. Use and impact of digital technologies among agricultural intermediaries (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 31: Made in Africa. How to make local agricultural machinery manufacturing thrive? (en)

ZEF Policy Brief No. 39: G7 Development Assistance for Food Systems to Lift 500 Million People out of Hunger by 2030 (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 30: Comparing African Countries and Indian States. Lessons for promoting agricultural growth, employment and food security (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 29: Towards a Digital One-Stop-Shop for African Producers? Strategic Decisions of Digital Agricultural Platform Providers (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 28: Resilience of Africa’s Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector. Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 27: Covid-19 causes unprecedented Migrant Crisis in India – Assessing the impact of lockdown measures on migrant workers during the first wave of Covid-19 (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 26: Emerging Impacts of COVID–19 on the Kenyan Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 25: Emerging Impacts of COVID–19 on the Nigerian Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 24: Emerging Impacts of COVID–19 on the South African Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 23: Like Uber for Tractors? How to strengthen the rural sharing economy in India and Africa – (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 22: Can Mobile Money Facilitate Cash Transfers to Farmers and the Rural Poor in the COVID-19 Context? – (en & de)

PARI Policy Brief No. 21: The Forgotten Agriculture-Nutrition Link – Estimating the energy requirements of different farming technologies in rural Zambia (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 20: What are the Effects of Agricultural Mechanization? A case study from Zambia (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 19: Leveling the Playing Field for Women in African Agriculture – Interventions to address gender-based inequalities (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 18: Mechanizing African Agriculture – Drivers, Barriers and Benefits (en & de)

PARI Policy Brief No. 17: Improving Protein Nutrition of Dairy Cattle in the Tropics – The case of East Africa (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 16: Improving energy access in rural areas – How to incentivize the transition to modern energy solutions in rural India (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 15: Seed System Development: Fertile Grounds In Sub-Saharan Africa – Identifying Options for Sustainable Development (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 14: Foreign Direct Investments In Africa’s Food And Agriculture Sector – How understanding and channeling FDI better could unlock a powerful development tool (en & de)

PARI Policy Brief No. 13: How to Keep Tractors Running in Africa? – Lessons for knowledge and skills development from Zambia (en & de)

PARI Policy Brief No. 12: Small-Scale Irrigation Potential In Sub-Saharan Africa – Targeting investments in technologies, locations and institutions (en & de)

PARI Policy Brief No. 11: Realizing the Potential of Digital Technologies for Agricultural Development in Africa – Towards affordable, usable and integrated ICT solutions (en & de)

PARI Policy Brief No. 10: Innovations to Overcome Increasingly Complex Problems of Hunger – Alternative Pathways towards Food Security (en & fr)

PARI Policy Brief No. 9: Innovation for Sustainable Agricultural Growth in Africa – Insights from Research Dossiers on 12 PARI Partner Countries – (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 8: Doubling the Maize Yield in Africa through better Crop Management – Results from a crop simulation model to inform policy and research (en & fr)

PARI Policy Brief No. 7: How to develop Knowledge and Skills for Mechanization in Africa – Historical examples from the United States and Germany (en & de)

PARI Policy Brief No. 6: Improving Employment Prospects for Africa’s Rural Youth – Harnessing the potential of the agriculture sector for long-term job creation (en, fr & de)

PARI Policy Brief No. 5: Smallholder agricultural mechanization in Africa – Addressing governance challenges of state- and market-led mechanization efforts (en & fr)

PARI Policy Brief No. 4: Agricultural Innovations at the Technological Frontier in India (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 3: Sustainable Intensification Strategies for the Rural Poor – Matching innovations with human and ecological potential within and outside the agriculture sector (en & fr)

Policy brief series: Agricultural innovations in Benin – (en)

PARI Policy Brief No. 2: Farmer Innovation Contests – Tapping the Innovative Potential of Smallholder Farmers – (en & fr)

PARI Policy Brief No. 1: Strategic Directions for Development Collaboration for Food Security and Agricultural Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa – (en & fr)